Saturday, February 22, 2014

Waiting for the Thaw

Winter has been pretty harsh in the Magical Mitten State.  There have been more days below twenty degrees than above, and according to the meteorologists, this has been the snowiest winter in Michigan since I was four years old.  I am not a snow hater.  I chose to stay in Michigan rather than move to a warmer state, it's these temperatures that are driving me crazy.  Nugget wants to go out to play, but in order for me to do that, I have to bundle Hank up so he looks like Maggie Simpson or the kid from A Christmas Story.  As you can see from the photo to your right, being not old enough to walk and talk, leads to not so fun times getting hauled around the yard by your older sibling.  Nugget was having a blast though!

Due to all this time being trapped inside the house, I have a major case of cabin fever.  When I'm not dancing around the living room, drawing pictures of owls, Mommy trees & baby trees (long story), being climbed on like a jungle gym, I've been looking through my gardening books and seed catalogs.  Nugget even got into the act and was showing me all the things she wants to grow this year.  Now that she's two and a half, she's really into nature, plants, flowers, and wanting to grow strawberries.  I actually bought a strawberry pot and planted it for her and we did get quite a few berries.  Unfortunately, she didn't always wait until the berries were ripe, so our yield wasn't as good as it could have been.  I'm thinking this year will be different.  She told me today that she also wants to grow corn in a flower pot like we saw in the Burpee catalog and lots and lots of flowers.

I am hoping to get the raised veggie gardens I wanted to build while on maternity leave last year built this year too.  Our garden last year produced, but to get maximum growing power, I am definitely going to have some beds near the middle of our backyard so they are away from the tree line and more in the sun.  Much like remembering to update this blog, making sure I actually get the garden built is going to entail staying on my own butt and harassing myself to make sure it gets done,


  1. We haven't been fairing well here either, weather wise. I also would like to plant a veggie garden this year, along with some herbs. I figured out with the hubby's schedule, and now baby Allison, I'd better not make too many plans so I don't get disappointed again this year.

  2. I know what you mean. I set my expectations way too high as far as what I wanted to get done and what I could get done. Hank was a little more clingy than Nugget and didn't nap as much, so I didn't get a lot of time to do things outside besides mowing the lawn and planting and harvesting my veggies. Having this knowledge now will help me plan better to get things done this year.
