Wednesday, February 20, 2013

May the force be with you

Now that I'm in the third trimester with Baby Smudge, I've started to get the urge to decorate his room.  I found polka dot crib bedding on clearance just because someone ripped the zipper on the bag, started looking at paint chips to decide on color, and been shopping on Etsy to find some cute prints to hang on his wall.  I'm leaning towards either a very pale icy blue or a grey for the walls.  As for the room "theme" itself, well, i went back and forth on space vs. robots, and this may be the one chance I have to do it, so I'm going with a Star Wars/space theme.  It would be so easy to go hog wild and let the theme overtake the room, especially with my love of Star Wars.  I'm trying to tame it down a bit and I found great prints of the Millennium Falcon, an AT-AT, and R2-D2 from Noodlehug that I'm going to place in white frames.   The next part I'm having trouble with is trying to decide what to do about the mobile.  I'm going to take an existing mobile and make it Star Wars worthy.  I keep going back and forth on whether I want to buy model kits of a few of the ships and hang them from the mobile or find Star Wars amigurumi dolls to hang from it instead.  I've still got ten weeks to decide and he won't be technically moved into his room until I go back to work (hopefully three months) so I have a little bit of time on my side.  Hopefully by the time he's ready to move into his room Elise will be ready for her big girl bed so I won't have to buy another crib. Other than that, I'm checking out craigslist everyday to see if I can find a ddresser to refinish for his room like I did for Elise.  I'm thinking as much as I'd love to have that done before he gets here, it's going to end up like Elise's dresser and not be done for many months unless I'm feeling super energetic (which my energy levels have been depleting rapidly) and motivated.  

Han Solo Bobble head!