Monday, February 7, 2011

Baby Tech

I am constantly amazed at how many products for babies have been developed  since my time managing the Infant/Toddler department at a major big box retailer that is often referred to with a French accent.  I have been looking at things to add to my registry (nothing like starting 4 months before I need to) and am befuddled by the baby monitors, breast pumps, and even the options I have in high chairs.  Do I want the monitor that just does sound, or do I want the one that has night vision so I can see what the little turtle is up to in the middle of the night?  Should I get a manual breast pump,  or the one that hooks up like a cow milking machine?  Space saver high chair or convertible high chair to toddler stool?

I thought giving birth was the hard part, not picking out what we want/need for the baby!  We should find out what the sex of the baby is in the next month or so, which will help me figure out what color onesies I want besides white and gender neutral colors.  The hubby would have liked to have found out the sex yesterday if he could.  I will tell you that every time I see an ultrasound of my little turtle, the more I fall in love.