Wednesday, January 23, 2013


It's been a bit chilly here in the Magical Mitten state the past few days.  It's times like this that I really look forward to spring.  I also start thinking about gardening, flowers and vegetables.  As I've mentioned before I've become a Pinterest junkie and there are lots of great ideas for gardens on there and it's easy to get lose hours looking around if you're not careful.

I decided last fall not to renew our CSA membership and to focus on growing our own.  I enjoyed having a working share but didn't feel like I would be able to put in the hours at the farm with two little ones under the age of two and enjoy my spring and summer like I wanted.  I also wanted to ensure we would be growing exactly what we wanted to eat.  I have thought about joining a meat/eggs in the future but right now, I want to focus on growing my own little farm in the back yard.