Wednesday, January 23, 2013


It's been a bit chilly here in the Magical Mitten state the past few days.  It's times like this that I really look forward to spring.  I also start thinking about gardening, flowers and vegetables.  As I've mentioned before I've become a Pinterest junkie and there are lots of great ideas for gardens on there and it's easy to get lose hours looking around if you're not careful.

I decided last fall not to renew our CSA membership and to focus on growing our own.  I enjoyed having a working share but didn't feel like I would be able to put in the hours at the farm with two little ones under the age of two and enjoy my spring and summer like I wanted.  I also wanted to ensure we would be growing exactly what we wanted to eat.  I have thought about joining a meat/eggs in the future but right now, I want to focus on growing my own little farm in the back yard.

I've been reading a lot of books for inspiration as well.  One of them is the First Lady's book American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America.  There are beautiful pictures of the kitchen garden the FLOTUS decided to grow on the White House grounds along with maps of what grows there every season and seasonal recipes too.  I swear that one day when I have the time and resources, I will have a garden as beautiful and bountiful as this one!  I've also been reading Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.  One of the things I'm seriously considering this year is putting in several raised beds because of all the trees in the yard.  If I can place the beds in spaces where they will get optimal sun and grow things that thrive in those spots, plus the added benefit of not having to till after the first year, that will make the work load even easier.  This appeals to the fact I will have not one but two toddlers running around next summer, and this garden isn't just a one time whim.  

I'm not going to grow too many things from seed this year.   I do have some squash seeds that I'd like to attempt to grow, but I think because I'll have a four week old (or less) when it's time to plant and the fact I'm entering my third trimester and I'm sure the inside nursery nesting bug will strike soon, it would be easier to just go to nurseries that I trust and buy plants from there.  Brussels sprouts, several types of winter squash, tomatoes, eggplant, onions (which I can start in the kitchen with green onion stems and then transplant outside), radishes, and cauliflower are just a few of the crops I'd like to grow this yearI'm really looking forward to summer.  Bring on the dirt!   

1 comment:

  1. amy! a couple of years ago (when i was still at the house at revena) we bought baby plants from the farmers market - i think they were from frog holler? anyways they had lots of fun heirloom varieties, and were pretty cheap.
    <3 ely
