I've always wanted to have more than one child. My brother and I are three years apart and I've been of the belief that two to three years would be a good age difference between siblings. Well, a funny thing happened on the way to that goal... I'm 13.5 weeks pregnant. This means there will be 20 months difference between Elise and the new baby, or perhaps I should say just baby. Elise is growing so fast and running around like crazy that it's hard to think of her as a baby anymore.
Of course with all the excitement of a new baby comes a small twinge of dread. I am not looking forward to hearing the phrase "Advanced Maternal Age" and definitely not looking forward to the glucose tolerance test and the possibility of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes again. On the other hand, I weigh ten pounds less than when I first found out I was pregnant with Elise and the gestational diabetes diagnosis really made me look at what I ate and make changes for the better to my diet. Here's to hoping after this birth I end up weighing at least 10 pounds less than I do now!