Monday, May 30, 2011

It's done!

Okay, so it's been a few weeks, but the Pepto Bismol nightmare is now over.

Pink, pink, PINK!  My eyes!
Now here's the more serene color...

Ahh, much better. :-)
Excuse the mess on the floor,  I forgot to vacuum before I took the picture.  The next couple of things we need to do involve buying a crib, which is easier said than done, buy and apply the tree decal to the wall, and paint the dresser, desk, and chair.  I can tell that the nesting is starting to set in, I want to clean all the time, which is driving the hubby nuts.

Here is the decal I am thinking about ordering for the room:

I found it on Etsy and I like the fact that it has a growth chart on it.  I'm thinking I'll change the main tree to dark brown, but not sure if I want to have the owl to be pink still or perhaps green or orange.  I guess I should allow some pink in the room.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Glucose nightmare

I had to go in to take my glucose screening test today.  Let me start by letting anyone who hasn't had the "privilege" of drinking the stuff they give you before you go in for the blood draw that it tastes very similar to McDonald's orange drink that has been sitting out for a week and is starting to turn.  This liquid must be consumed within fifteen minutes of starting to ingest it and an hour after finishing it, not eat or drink anything until after you have your blood drawn.  Sounds like a good time, right?   Halfway through the hour of waiting to get my blood drawn I began to get nauseous.  Normally I would combat this with oyster crackers, but alas, eating not permitted.  Luckily the last half hour went by quickly and I was called in so the phlebotomist could do her thing.  She must have noticed that I was uncomfortable because she asked if I was feeling well.  I made it through the blood draw process and then promptly lost my cookies in the parking lot.  I am sure if some random stranger stumbled upon the neon orange splatter in the parking lot they would think some kid went crazy eating pop rocks and then lost it.
One of the Extreme Couponers and her "stockpile."  This is one of three rooms she has full of stuff.

I was still feeling crappy when I got home so I vegged out on the couch and took a nap.  I woke up to the television showing Extreme Couponing.  I felt my blood begin to boil and shaking my head at these people.  I am all for people saving money and having adequate supplies of toilet paper and soap.  What really got to me was the woman who bought 300 toothbrushes and what looked to be 200 two liter bottles of soda and no plans to give them away or even use them.  It was merely the thrill of the deal and a sad sense of security of having three rooms filled from floor to ceiling with their stockpiles.  Very few of them bought produce of any kind to feed their families, most of it was processed crap.  I got so worked up I had to change the channel and I can say I would rather watch anything, even 16 & Pregnant than ever watch that hot mess again. 

Monday, May 2, 2011


I hate sounding like a stereotypical pregnant person but I'm afraid I'm going to.  I always thought it was cheesy the way people would say that you get particular cravings when you're pregnant.  Just a coincidence, not true, that will never happen to me.  I'm here to admit and tell you, I was wrong!

Around week 14 of the pregnancy, I noticed I was really wanting ice cream a lot more than normal.  I guess I should have prefaced this by stating I am not a sugar-a-holic.  Quite the contrary, I love my salt, which is another pregnancy story for another time.  I would go to the store and pick up a couple of pints of Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert Americone Dream and enjoy them wrapped up in my throw on the couch.  Week 16 marked a turning point in the noticing I was suffering from cravings.  I had been eating spicy Indian food like crazy, and maybe another coincidence I found myself craving guacamole and tortilla chips.  According to those baby size tracker websites the wee lass growing inside of me was the size of an avocado.  I felt a little creepy about wanting guacamole so much while the baby was that size, almost feeling like I had just ate my young.

The guac craving seems to have subsided slightly but my intense of love bacon has been coming back to me.  I hadn't eaten it since the beginning of the first trimester because just the smell of it cooking made my stomach churn. My new want to eat all the time but I know I shouldn't is a BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado) sandwich made on a pretzel croissant.   I am proud of the fact that despite these cravings I haven't ballooned up to the size of a house.  I just hope in the last three months of all of this that I am not McMansion size bound.