Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas time is here...

Gallery Greetings Holiday Card
Create custom Christmas cards this holiday at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Precious Sleep

The one piece of advice that I received the most after the birth of Baby Elise was,"Sleep while the baby sleeps!"   Easier said than done.  While I am sure that most people when exhausted can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, I am the type of person who when I'm awake, I'm awake even if I'm running on empty.  It doesn't matter how tired I am, I can not fall back asleep unless I over indulge in Jagermeister, which would not be a pretty sight. I felt like there was so much to do and not enough time to do it.   It also doesn't help that the baby can't really communicate with you.  The hungry cry, the "Change my diaper, I'm soaked," and the "I'm just crabby" cries all sound the same at first.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Eggplant Fever

Beautiful and delicious!
One of the great things about belonging to a CSA is the fact we get fresh, in season produce every week.  I never did get our own vegetable garden in this spring so shopping at roadside produce stands and the CSA is how I've been buying the majority of our vegetables this summer.   The CSA had a bumper crop of eggplants, tomatoes, and various peppers, so I decided to find some new interesting applications for our harvest.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

She's here!

Baby Elise joined our family exactly four weeks ago today at 4:46 p.m.  She decided not to arrive on her due date so we had to make a trip to the hospital for a non-stress test to make sure the baby was okay.  Due to the gestational diabetes my midwife had told me that if she didn't come before 42 weeks that they would induce me by rupturing my membrane to get things going.  I left the hospital feeling frustrated.  I wanted to avoid having my membranes ruptured as much as possible.  Up until this point I was all "Water birth, no drugs, all natural."  Little did I know that this labor would be anything but normal or natural.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Registering & Getting Ready for Baby

Well,  Baby Elise should be arriving in 25 days.  We've already had the baby showers and we're at the point of doing the final preparations of getting her room and all the needed supplies before she comes home.  I had a great time seeing my family and friends despite the fact that I am not always comfortable being the center of attention.

The showers were the fun part, registering however when you're not around babies all the time can be a stressful experience.  Did I register for all the things I need, did I register for enough or too many big ticket items (keep this in mind for people who go in on group gifts),  will everything I register for be available by the time the shower rolls around?  I decided to register at Babies R Us and  I have had nothing but wonderful experiences with Amazon, plus we have Amazon Prime, so free two day shipping is always handy.  I waffled between registering at BuyBuy Baby & Target, but settled on Babies R Us because there was no BuyBuy Baby close to my out-of-state relatives.  Thinking back on things, I wish I had registered anywhere besides Babies R Us.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Gestational Diabetes Fun

It's been a month and a half since I was officially diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.  My sugar levels have been pretty normal so far, except for the few cheat days I've been allowed (work picnic, baby shower, Memorial Day BBQ.)   Even when I cheat I haven't been able to make myself be terribly bad, I haven't had a piece of cake since my diagnosis.  I've never really been a sweets craver except for my Americone Dream ice cream, I do miss tortilla chips like crazy though.

I've lost 8 lbs. since being on the low carb diet, which seems crazy to me.   The diet is pretty restrictive, for example, breakfast can't exceed 30 carbs,  two hours after I need to check my blood sugars and then I can have a 15 carb snack.  Lunch and dinner are 40 carbs and my snacks after each meal and blood testing are also 15 carbs.  I have found that if I eat closer to 20 carbs for my late night snack that my fasting blood sugars are below the 94 that the dietitian set the limits for.  I have done some reading and found that if you don't have enough carbs your liver will produce extra for you at night and that can spike the sugar levels and cause an increased reading in the morning.

I do have a list of forbidden foods that I'm looking forward to eating once the baby is here.  I want a rootbeer float and onion rings from A & W (there is one on the way home from the hospital.  I joked with the hubby that I want him to stop off before we get home with the baby.)  I have also wanted sushi, so that is also on the hit list.  Lastly, a large bag of lime flavored Ann Arbor Tortilla Factory chips and a bowl of guacamole and a tall glass (or pitcher) of lemonade would rock my world right now.

My midwife told me that as long as my sugars stay normal that there should be no problem with having the baby as natural as possible, which is the ultimate goal.  I would feel like a failure if I had to have a C section (unless the baby is breech or is in serious danger) or if I had to use painkillers.  Hopefully nothing changes before now and mid August. *keeping fingers crossed*

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Views from my garden...

We've had two warm and muggy days here in the Magical Mitten State.   I was able to enjoy the A/C and do some nesting because a co-worker wanted to take my shift.  I also was able to snap some pictures of my garden's spring blooms.  

Eventually what I hope to have is a cottage-look garden.  Lots of foxgloves, columbines, perennials that will spread and fill in for minimum maintenance. I have a long way to go, but I think that by documenting the garden in photos this year will help with planning the mass planting for fall bulbs and next spring's perennial planting.  Hopefully next year I can work on my shade garden where my hammock hangs too. 


Please excuse the lack of proper mulching and sad looking yew behind the columbine.  When we first moved into the house, the yews had been gnawed down by the neighborhood deer population.  Thanks to spreading coyote urine around the yews, it looks like they may actually resemble a bush someday.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

When asshats attack or people say the darnedest things to you when you're pregnant..

I'd like to say that I think of myself as a pretty mild-mannered person.  I try to be polite to strangers, for the most part if I come into contact with someone I've never met I tend to be quiet and observe.  I guess that's why I've been so floored by some of the ignorant and ridiculous things people have said to me since I began showing my baby bump.

I work in retail, so I come into contact with people all the time.   I don't know if perhaps because I am so available to them they feel so free to say things, or if I have a "humiliate me, I enjoy it" sign on my back.  My first awkward encounter happened during my fifth month, my bump barely visible.  An older man approached me, asked where something was and as I started walking him to the item's location, he said,"Oh you don't need to take me over there in your delicate condition."  I brushed off the comment told him I was tough and took him over to the product.  After he thanked me for helping him he grabbed my stomach and asked when the "blessed event" was.  I normally don't get grabbed like that, if someone is grateful I've helped them I've gotten hugged, but that's the extent of it. I was flabbergasted and if I wasn't at work I probably would have reacted much worse than I did.  I backed away and told him that I had personal space issues and to unhand my unborn child. 

I thought because I didn't have any strange things happen during my sixth month that I was home-free.  Well you know what happens when you assume and boy did I get hit with a barrage of stuff during my first week of month seven.   This merely was just the quiet before the storm.

Monday, May 30, 2011

It's done!

Okay, so it's been a few weeks, but the Pepto Bismol nightmare is now over.

Pink, pink, PINK!  My eyes!
Now here's the more serene color...

Ahh, much better. :-)
Excuse the mess on the floor,  I forgot to vacuum before I took the picture.  The next couple of things we need to do involve buying a crib, which is easier said than done, buy and apply the tree decal to the wall, and paint the dresser, desk, and chair.  I can tell that the nesting is starting to set in, I want to clean all the time, which is driving the hubby nuts.

Here is the decal I am thinking about ordering for the room:

I found it on Etsy and I like the fact that it has a growth chart on it.  I'm thinking I'll change the main tree to dark brown, but not sure if I want to have the owl to be pink still or perhaps green or orange.  I guess I should allow some pink in the room.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Glucose nightmare

I had to go in to take my glucose screening test today.  Let me start by letting anyone who hasn't had the "privilege" of drinking the stuff they give you before you go in for the blood draw that it tastes very similar to McDonald's orange drink that has been sitting out for a week and is starting to turn.  This liquid must be consumed within fifteen minutes of starting to ingest it and an hour after finishing it, not eat or drink anything until after you have your blood drawn.  Sounds like a good time, right?   Halfway through the hour of waiting to get my blood drawn I began to get nauseous.  Normally I would combat this with oyster crackers, but alas, eating not permitted.  Luckily the last half hour went by quickly and I was called in so the phlebotomist could do her thing.  She must have noticed that I was uncomfortable because she asked if I was feeling well.  I made it through the blood draw process and then promptly lost my cookies in the parking lot.  I am sure if some random stranger stumbled upon the neon orange splatter in the parking lot they would think some kid went crazy eating pop rocks and then lost it.
One of the Extreme Couponers and her "stockpile."  This is one of three rooms she has full of stuff.

I was still feeling crappy when I got home so I vegged out on the couch and took a nap.  I woke up to the television showing Extreme Couponing.  I felt my blood begin to boil and shaking my head at these people.  I am all for people saving money and having adequate supplies of toilet paper and soap.  What really got to me was the woman who bought 300 toothbrushes and what looked to be 200 two liter bottles of soda and no plans to give them away or even use them.  It was merely the thrill of the deal and a sad sense of security of having three rooms filled from floor to ceiling with their stockpiles.  Very few of them bought produce of any kind to feed their families, most of it was processed crap.  I got so worked up I had to change the channel and I can say I would rather watch anything, even 16 & Pregnant than ever watch that hot mess again. 

Monday, May 2, 2011


I hate sounding like a stereotypical pregnant person but I'm afraid I'm going to.  I always thought it was cheesy the way people would say that you get particular cravings when you're pregnant.  Just a coincidence, not true, that will never happen to me.  I'm here to admit and tell you, I was wrong!

Around week 14 of the pregnancy, I noticed I was really wanting ice cream a lot more than normal.  I guess I should have prefaced this by stating I am not a sugar-a-holic.  Quite the contrary, I love my salt, which is another pregnancy story for another time.  I would go to the store and pick up a couple of pints of Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert Americone Dream and enjoy them wrapped up in my throw on the couch.  Week 16 marked a turning point in the noticing I was suffering from cravings.  I had been eating spicy Indian food like crazy, and maybe another coincidence I found myself craving guacamole and tortilla chips.  According to those baby size tracker websites the wee lass growing inside of me was the size of an avocado.  I felt a little creepy about wanting guacamole so much while the baby was that size, almost feeling like I had just ate my young.

The guac craving seems to have subsided slightly but my intense of love bacon has been coming back to me.  I hadn't eaten it since the beginning of the first trimester because just the smell of it cooking made my stomach churn. My new want to eat all the time but I know I shouldn't is a BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado) sandwich made on a pretzel croissant.   I am proud of the fact that despite these cravings I haven't ballooned up to the size of a house.  I just hope in the last three months of all of this that I am not McMansion size bound.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Craigslist brings the lols

Being a first time mom to be doesn't mean that I want to buy everything brand new.  I've been looking on several websites for great deals, trying to be as frugal as I can be.   One site that leaves me frustrated at times is Craig's List.   The hubby and I have found several deals on CL in the past including our stove, a furniture dolly,  the hubby's motorcycles, and the list goes on.  I don't know if I am clicking on the wrong ads but I have found some real laughable listings.

 One of the examples is a listing for a crib for $300.  I click on the link, look at the picture and decided to see if this crib is actually worth that much new.  After a little google-fu I discover that the crib was one of the cribs affected by the 2010 recall because it was unsafe.  No where in the ad did it list that they have  installed one of the immobilization kits.  I sent them a message asking if they complied with recall before listing the crib. A day or two later I received an answer back from the seller saying thanks for the interest in the crib but it has sold.   Not even a week later I saw the same crib listed again, but for $25 less and using the same exact picture from the first ad.  I debated in my head to flag the ad and post a Re: ad informing people that this crib could be dangerous.  Part of me wanted to be a safety advocate and the other part of me felt like hopefully people would be smart enough to do their homework like I did.  In the end I decided it wouldn't be worth my time to keep chasing down the crib rip off artist.   It's not worth me getting my panties in a bunch over this fool, and if they get the amount that they want to sell the crib for more power to them.

In the meantime, the great crib search is still on.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Embracing pink

I was talking to a coworker today about how I've been trying to avoid being that cliche "pink buying mom" but after going shopping, I was in pink overload.   He told me to embrace the pink, some of these outfits will be cherished one day.  Sometimes it just takes me a voice of reason to come to my senses.  So here we go, pinking it up!

Turtles & kitties, oh my!

According to several sources, the baby is now 22 weeks and the size of a large mango, 11.5 inches.  I was feeling all 11.5 inches today as she was pushing up against my ribcage.  Oh the joys of being short waisted! :-p

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Houston, we have a color palette!

After a bit of going back and forth on what to do about the colors of the walls, I finally settled on a wall color.   *drumroll*  The walls will be Windwood Spring, which is a gorgeous blue color.  I know what you may be thinking, "Amy, you love pink, why not do a subtle shade of blush pink because the baby's a girl?"  Well, here's my train of thought,  I wanted something different and something she could grow with while not being too "nursery like."  Perhaps I've been watching too much Sarah Richardson on HGTV, I don't know, but what I do know is that while I want the kitschy turtles and woodland animals, I want a room that I will be comfortable in as well.

The walls at the moment are a pink nightmare consisting of hot pink and pepto-bismol pink. There is no way that I would subject the baby to these colors.  I picked out some clothes the other day, and while I will admit they have some hot pink in them, it's not over powering like the room is at the moment.

Just a sneak peak of the pepto-bismol nightmare.

I am hoping that by going with the blue and using bright fun colors as accents it will help to not only give the room an airy feel, the color scheme will also help to brighten it up and make the space seem larger.  Eventually we will be removing the builder standard oak stained white pine moldings and replacing it with white molding and crown molding and painting the window frames white as well.

Next task, finding the perfect chair to turn into a glider with out it looking like the stereotypical cliche nursery glider on a budget.

It's a girl!

Our first child is a girl!  It also looks like she's going to be tall or she's going to be blessed with mommy's short torso as well.

Monday, March 21, 2011

19 weeks

 So this what 19 weeks looks like.   Totally crazy to think the baby is the size of a 6 inch heirloom tomato.  Besides surviving morning sickness, this is the first time I've truly *felt* pregnant. Next Wednesday is the big day, we find out who is stowing away in my belly, boy or girl.  The majority opinion of my work friends is that the baby is a girl.  We'll see if they're right.

This is the Droid you are looking for

I've had my phone for a little over 4 months now, and even though there are a few things I miss about my Crackberry, I think I've fallen in love.  The next generation of the Droid X will be coming out in a few months, but unlike when I owned my Storm, I am not longing for the time when I can upgrade my phone to get here so I can get rid of a POS. I thought I'd  take time to list a few of my favorite aps available on the Android Market and talk a bit about them.
  •  Vignette - iPhone users have which is pretty nifty in it's own right.  Vignette has 68 different photo effects and 56 frames available to chose from.  I've been having a lot of fun playing with the Polaroid and photobooth features. Once the baby gets here I know I am  going to be a photo-taking fool!
  • Google Maps with Navigation -  Surprisingly Verizon didn't eliminate the ability to use this application in favor of Verizon Navigator.  Verizon has been notorious for crippling their products so you can't utilize the phone's total functionality.  I've ditched using my husband's gps in favor of using the Google Navigation system.  
  • - I constantly find myself using the barcode scanner feature while out shopping to see if Amazon has the item for less.  We have Amazon Prime, so with the free two day shipping, not buying an item that day isn't such a big deal. I have been in scanning over-drive since beginning to price out baby items.  I just wish I could figure out a way to silence the scanner's beep so no one will hear what I'm up to.
  • Beautiful Widgets - One of the things I missed the most about switching from Blackberry to Android was losing BerryWeather. Beautiful Widgets comes very close. My only real complaint is that to look at the weather radar, the application opens up a browser window instead of performing the function in the app.
  • Advanced Task Killer - I haven't had to do any battery pulls since buying my droid which was a daily, if not more occurrence with my Storm.  The task killer enables you to "kill" applications you may not be using to free up memory. 
  • Baby Bump Pregnancy Pro -  What size is the baby this week?  Is it an apple, an eggplant, or perhaps an heirloom tomato?  Not only does this application tell you that, but gives you daily and weekly things to think about, has illustrations on where the baby and uterus are in relation to the mother's body and what the baby looks like that week, and has a "kick counter" so you can measure how often the baby kicks.  I feel that this would not be a stand alone item for an expecting parent, but is great in conjunction with reading pregnancy books.
I decided against listing the games I have installed on my phone because I felt the addictiveness of Angry Birds and Tetris spoke for themselves,  I am always on the look-out for new apps to try, so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Baby talk

    Even though we don't know the sex of the baby yet, it's never too early to think about color.  I've been looking all over the web for inspiration for the baby's room; there are so many cool ideas out there for a turtle/woodland themed nursery.  I can't even begin to list how many cool things I've found on  Etsy and

    1. Turtle lamp - Carter's Laguna collection,
    2. Tree bookcase - by Shawn Soh.  At $2500, this is way out of my price range. Need to figure out a way to fabricate this for less!
    3. Bilingual eco wall cards #'s 1-10, by Art and Philanthropy on Etsy.
    4. personalized applique name pillow, by Whimsy Co. on Etsy.
    I've been trying to figure out a way to make the bookcase out mdf or a similar material. The original bookcase is made out of powder-coated metal but there has to be a way to make it more child friendly and out of wood.

    Oh, to my one reader, I finally updated so you would have something, even though it's small, to read.   Thanks for kicking me in the butt to update. ;-)  You know who you are.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Baby Tech

    I am constantly amazed at how many products for babies have been developed  since my time managing the Infant/Toddler department at a major big box retailer that is often referred to with a French accent.  I have been looking at things to add to my registry (nothing like starting 4 months before I need to) and am befuddled by the baby monitors, breast pumps, and even the options I have in high chairs.  Do I want the monitor that just does sound, or do I want the one that has night vision so I can see what the little turtle is up to in the middle of the night?  Should I get a manual breast pump,  or the one that hooks up like a cow milking machine?  Space saver high chair or convertible high chair to toddler stool?

    I thought giving birth was the hard part, not picking out what we want/need for the baby!  We should find out what the sex of the baby is in the next month or so, which will help me figure out what color onesies I want besides white and gender neutral colors.  The hubby would have liked to have found out the sex yesterday if he could.  I will tell you that every time I see an ultrasound of my little turtle, the more I fall in love.

    Monday, January 31, 2011


    It's funny how life throws you a curve ball when you're least expecting it.  My husband and I found out we were going to be parents at the beginning of December.  After the obligatory waiting and tests that need to be done  because I am at an "advanced  maternal age" I finally took the big step of announcing my pregnancy on Facebook.   After all, it's not truly official unless it's on Facebook.  I've been surprised and touched by all the outpouring of congratulations and well wishes from everyone.

    I guess all of this is finally sinking in to me that after all these years of wanting, I finally get be what I've wanted from childhood and playing with my dolls, a mom.   Hopefully I'll be able to keep a level  head, do and say the right things to my child, and be a parent (not just try to be their best friend) when it counts and provide guidance when necessary.

    In the realm of trying to set a good example before the baby is born, I decided to do some research and join a CSA.  I purchased a working half share, which means I (or the hubby) will need to work on the farm 25 hours during the CSA season (eleven months.)  Except for the month of August (when the baby is due) I don't see this as being a problem.  I am looking forward to organic produce, eggs, honey, and maple syrup and socializing with other CSA members.  It would be nice to make friends nearby, especially ones that might have small children or babies.

    Other than that, I am going crazy looking on Amazon and other baby related sites picking out baby things.  I already decided to do a sort of gender-neutral room for the baby even though we are going to find out the sex.  My thought was if it's a girl, she is going to be getting tons of pink stuff, so why not expose her to other colors?  Same with a boy and blue.  I had thought about doing a robot themed nursery, but after seeing an adorable turtle and bird themed crib bedding set on Amazon, I knew that was the one!  Bonus points for it also being "gender neutral."  I don't know if I want to buy all the pieces, I don't want the nursery to look like a showroom.  I've also found lots of adorable turtle prints on Etsy that would go great with the bedding & the lamp of this set.
    Laguna nursery set by Carter's. So cute!
     So yeah, lots of big changes in Amyland, thus the reason for no updates in such a long time.  I have a "terrible" feeling that this blog is about to get a huge injection of baby soon, lol!